The Satgambuz Masque as a historical place/the Satgambuz masque

Man is not satisfied with what he has seen and known. He wants to see more.
He wants to get the flavor of the historical places. So as a man we have a keen interest to know the historical places of the world. Whenever we get an opportunity, we should visit a place of historical interest
. During the last autumn vacation I got such an opportunity to visit Bagerhat, a great historical place. It is situated the south part of Bangladesh near the Sundarban.

The Mazar of Khan Jahan Ali:

The Mazar of Khan Jahan Ali is a fine one storied building. It has a beautiful tomb. Hazrat Khan Jahan ali was burede there. The tomb is made of cut out stomas. It cannot be accurately said from where these were brought. It is said that Pir Khan Jahan Ali brought these from Chittagong by floating on water. On the tomb there are inscriptions in Arabic. An inscription says that he died on 25the Octobet in 1459. There is a small mosque nearby. A close associate of Khan Jahan Ali was buried outside the tomb. On the night of the full moon of the month of Chaitra a big fair is held beside the Mazar. Many people from far and near attend the fair. 

The Dighi of Khan Jahan Ali:

There is big tank in front of the mazar. The local people call it the Dighi of Khan Jahan Ali. Therer is some crocodiles in thes big tank. They come near when the Fakirs call them and give them something to eat. I saw the Dighi with my own eyes and got much pleasure bathing in it.

The Satgambuz masque:

I also visited the Satgambuz masque. It is a big and beautifully decorated. The masque is used for praying and just. There are many flowers garden around the masque. There is also a museum near the main gate of Satgambuz masque. I saw huge historical thing in that museum which were used by the Khalipha Pir Khan Jahan Ali and his flowers. It is mosque by Pir Khan Jahan. The mosque has a great attraction for the tourists and visitors.

 The Ghora Dighi:

There is big Dighi near the Shatgombuj Mosque. This dighi is called the Ghora dighi. It is said that a horse was made to run before digging the dighi. The horde encircied an area running and the distance turned into Dighi.

Bagerhat is really a placer of historical interest. I spent eight hours there and saw many historical things and enjoyed myself. I left Bagerthat but the memory still haunts my mind. 

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