Ways to achieve your Goals

Life without an aim or ambition is worthless. Everyone has goals and aims even if they differ in nature. The desire to achieve something is inherent in everyone. The dream about the achievement is present even in a child. The methods or path that helps a person to attain his dreams or desires is termed as goal setting. The concept of goal setting is normally done for targets that are quite difficult to achieve. If a person has a vision about
any wish he wants to fulfill leads him to the process of goal setting. Today many professionals put goal setting as an integral part for reaching greater heights in their career. Goal is a proven path to the road of success that was followed by great people to common man.
The goals may vary from person to person. Some have small challenges or targets to achieve and on the other hand certain persons have higher goals that require disciplined steps to be followed for the achievement of the challenge or goal. The achievement of goal through the goal setting process is the determining factor in the performance of a person within a specific period or time. From the ancient time onwards people were quite aware about the importance of goal setting. Ancient Greek philosopher and thinker Aristotle was a great exponent of goal setting. He firmly believed and propagated that an action is required for the fulfillment of purpose. Several researches and studies are conducted by many researchers about goal setting. The studies relating to the goal setting began form early 1930’s. Cecil Alec Mace performed the very first study about goal setting in the year 1935. During 1950’s and 1960’s several researches were conducted and in the year 1960 the theory of goal setting was developed by Edwin A Locke. According to him goal setting is a self-motivation process for the achievements of goals and desires. The goal setting is closely connected to the performance for the completion of the predetermined task. The goals and performance are the two essential ingredients of achievements.
The goal setting is more important in business field. The goal setting is based on short term and long term goals. Goal setting is more important for managerial functions. In many business concerns specific goal settings are done by the managers. The new theory of goal setting in the fast life is termed as SMART goals. It indicates the goals to be achieved through specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time targeted measures. The principle of SMART is applicable to personal and community goals.
The personal goals are mostly connected with the financial achievement. Next to the financial achievement is the career achievement. In both financial and career the achievement of the goals can be effectively directed by the principle of SMART. When the short term goals are achieved the principle of SMART may be implied for achieving long term goals in a wider canvas.
Community goals or group goals are done by a team or by specific group of people. In a group the measures for the achievement will be divided and assigned to team members. This will help to achieve bulk or higher goals within the specific period. The group efforts even though in different forms aim at the achievement of the goal with in the stipulated period. The goal setting need to satisfied with the four elements of choice, effort, persistence and cognition. The commitment level will be higher in people who have set the goals. This will improve their efficiency in persistence to the goals.
The goal setting is important in a person’s life irrespective of professional and personal life that helps him to improve self-efficacy, cognitive abilities and above all the total commitment to the work to others and towards himself.

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